Our recyclable dukkah pouches
If you have been following our stories on social media this year, you will see we are making a concerted effort to become a more sustainable business.
One way to do this was to review all of our packaging. We have been working closely with one of our packaging suppliers, Myerton Packaging, to make our packaging more sustainable or recyclable.
Our old dukkah pouches were plastic lined, paper pouches with a label applied. Due to multiple materials, these pouches were not recyclable. The amount of waste created by the labels is also alarming. All of the backing from the labels also goes into landfill.
Myerton Packaging were supplying new Roll n Recycle pouches to a number of their other clients and we thought our dukkah would look amazing in them too.
These pouches are made with a single material and are a special 'roll and recycle' design. When your delicious dukkah has finished, you roll the pouch up, affix the sticker from the back of the pack and then place it in your kerbside recycling bin.
We are super excited with the sustainably of these new pouches and also the gorgeous new package design.
Category: News
Date: December 11, 2023



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